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Asshole kids

Asshole kids are a topic that always arises and always gets to me. Im not talking about the kids just being kids like the 3 year old screaming at the candy store or at Walmart because they cant get their way, that's expected at times. As a parent, we've all been there, and for the ones of us that practice 'tough love', it can be embarrassing when other adults look at us and give us that 'just give the kid what he wants' look. Some of us would rather deal with an angry look from you adults over a 3 year old tantrum than to have to later on life deal with an asshole child. Now just what is an 'asshole child'? An asshole child stems from being a spoiled child who always gets their own way and get what they want. They are children. They don't deserve whatever they want just because they cry over something. Point blank. Know what happens to those spoiled children? They end up being those children who don't behave in restaurants later on. They throw utensils, dump their drinks, throw their food at people. Thats what those kids who get what they want at 2 and 3 become at 4 and 5. Do you know how much more embarrassing that is when you're trying to have a nice lunch with a friend and you end up in tears because you can't control your child? The parents get even dirtier looks from onlookers. So society does parents trying to discipline their children. And note i said 'discipline'. Discipline could be anything to saying no to a child, taking away the toy theyre screaming for, or even walking out of a store or leaving mid lunch should need be. Discipline doesn't only include smacking your child, against many 'non discipline' parents and adults beliefs. Discipline could even mean making your child sit through the meal while ignoring their screaming. If a child gets attention for bad behaviors, especially by a parent who doesn't always acknowledge their good behaviors, they are more likely to reoffend with the bad behavior. Quit judging parents for what they do sometimes! But now we have asshole preteens. These asshole preteens stem from asshole children. This brings me to the motivation behind this blog today. As i was standing in line for a public bathroom at a gas station (don't judge me, im on a road trip), This family, mom, dad, and about 5 kids was in line for the bathroom. The female bathroom was closed, so this made a bit longer wait. Mom went to the bathroom with her younger children then brought them to wait in the van. Dad proceeded to the bathroom leaving a preteen son and about a 6 year old little girl waiting for him. So i was there waiting to pee. No big deal. So as im waiting, this boy begins to poke his fingers at those premade, pre wrapped to go sandwiches. So me being the asshole adult i am said, "umm, you do know people eat those right?" Now im wondering why in the fuck a gas station even keeps these sandwiches the closest wall, at the corner before the bathroom. He looked at me and said "what?" So i repeated, "people eat those". So he walked off and started poking at literally everything else. His 6.5 foot dad walked out of the bathroom and the little girl starts tattling on me, "dad!!" So i went to pee anyway. As i was walking out, 'dad' gave me the dirtiest fucking look ever. Now guess what i was prepared to grab eat sandwich this kid poked at and bring it to the cash and tell them, "you cant sell these sandwiches. This guys kid poked holes in them". And thats how asshole kids are made. Asshole parents. And guess what, not everyone appreciates your kid fingering other people's food, And i doubt that parent will ever read this, but a side note, Tell your kids to keep their hands to themselves, and if it's not theirs, don't touch! Because that could have been a hefty sandwich bill because you have an asshole child. So moral of the story, If you're one of the onlookers who gives dirty looks to parents or tells kids proper etiquette because their parents failed to raise them right, You may also one day be the adult that gets starred down with dirty looks by that asshole childs parents. So be prepared to carry compromised sandwiches to the gas station attendant need be, Because asshole children, come from asshole parents

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