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What's Beyond the Skywalker's?

First off I will say this up front, THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION AND POINT OF VIEW. Do not take this as canon or fact.

With Star Wars Episode 9 in the can and about to begin it's promotions, trailers, and release of title to lead up to it's December premiere, it leave's many of us to wonder "What happens after?"

We all know Lucasfilm has plans for a Rian Johnson Trilogy (I'll pause here to allow all of you to groan and scream.) which we know is to take place in another galaxy within the Star Wars Universe. We know that the two guys that gave us Game of Thrones (yeah you know who they are) are slated to be the next film after episode 9 with what is reported as "taking place before the Skywalkers." This is the focus of this conversation. And of course with the launch of the Disney Streaming Service we will see the Mandilorian and a Cassian Andor series so basically we have plenty of Wars coming for years to come.

But back to Benioff and Weiss, I and my good buddies John Tolly (War of the Stars) and Brian Miller (SWCP) have been saying since the announcement of them helming a trilogy of films that they will bring the Old Republic to life. With the latest it does seem that may actually be the case and I for one am beyond excited and believe this is a smart move for the franchise and Lucasfilm.

The Old Republic is a beloved part of Star Wars starting from a role playing video game (Knights of the Old Republic) and exploded into sequels, books, comics, and a still active MMORPG. It also gave us one of the most beloved Sith charaters since Darth Vader, the name Revan mean anything to anyone?

The way i look at it is like this. This is the best move Disney and Lucasfilm could make after the division in the fandom over the last couple of films, The Force Awakens and Rogue One are Generally loved by the fan base but The Last Jedi and Solo have remained a topic of much controversy within the fandom as to weather they are worthy to carry the Star wars Brand or if it's the proper use of Luke and so on and so forth (I will not share my views here, but you can listen to pretty much any War of the Stars episode and get my view of those films. So let's assume for a moment that 9 is the film it needs to be, it unites the saga, redeems in some way the Last Jedi to some fans and gives the best possible farewell to the saga we have loved for over 40 years. How do you Keep your fans, bring back those Disillusioned and excite us all for the future without a Skywalker? THE OLD REPUBLIC! Taking us back to around 4000 years before the rise of Anakin or any of the Saga and Bringing to life (and Canon) Charaters like Revan, Malice, Bastillia HK-47 and others would truely melt even the coldest Hoth Heart to the current Franchise. I do not know if they will tell those stories or even use those charaters, but to me it would be a waste if they didn't in some way.

Second there is a whole world of stories that can be told in that era, Everything we have seen so far in Canon is litterally just the first step into a larger world (see what I did there?) So this could potentially go well beyond a trilogy and launch many more visions of many more directors.

Finally, you just don't hire the guys who brought the Battle of the Bastards, Hard Home, or the Battle of Black Water and not give them a story of grand scale and beyond epic battle scenes. To my mind it would be a waste of their talent and skills to just give them a run of the mill Star Wars Story. Again I have nothing to bace this on but I am Trusting in my feelings (Did it Again) and am truely excited for the future of the Star Wars adventures awaiting us, even as I mourn the end of the most beloved saga in my life I know there is life beyond the Skywalkers. And I can't wait to see wht that life is.

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