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ROTM Returns to Dungeons & Dragons

Well here we are again Ladies and Gentlemen, those of you that have been with Realm of the Mist Entertainment in the early days knows we attempted this type of show before. A few years ago a Former member Mathew Cruz, Ran a Pathfinder Game tabletop RPG on ROTM known as Gaming XP. Dispite great success that show only lasted 5 episodes due to the departure of Matt from the company. For the longest time we held on to the graphics and intros and charater sheets, in hopes that Gaming XP may return when Matt was able to, but that never became the case.

Fast forward to 2019, Here with the revamp of Realm of the Mist we find ourselves with new member, quality podcasts, and running pretty much like a swiss watch. Seems the perfect time to think about an old show idea of broadcasting gaming sessions of tabletop RPG to our audiences. Keith Partlow of Press A Gaming introduces us to Ray Rumsey Who is a DM (Dungeon Master) who has Awesome ideas for stories and interactions with a group of players. Needless to say Ray's personality fit perfectly within our little family and a non spoiler taste we learned that his ideas for the campaigns he would run would we believe be beloved by our fans and of fans of Dungeons and Dragons.

So the Work begins, We enlisted players like Chris (Pharun Takthanlus), Keith (Billy Knolls), A.J. (Hillman) and Austin (Gregory Stonebleeder) join Ray (The Chronicler) to exist within his story that now is known as "the Chronicles of the Lost Realm" which will be a weekly released hour long game sessions for you the listeners, 2 episodes have already been reacorded and the first just released this week!!!! Guys i gotta tell you (although audio issues were had) You cannot miss this. It is exciting, funny, epic, and dare I say one of the Best Ideas from ROTM. so please check out episode 1 linked to this blog above and if you have not already Subscribe to the YouTube channel so you can follow the fun as it releases every Friday night!!

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